Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thursday, August 30

Day number 2 in Nicaragua and so far I have no idea what Nica looks like since I've been locked inside the compound (i.e. hotel)....did you check out the pics...not exactly what you'd expect for Peace Corps!
I've been busy in training class after training class, learning all about safety (from Dept of State employed ex-Marines), sustainable development, housing, agriculture, and other things. I've also been poked a couple times by doctors (luckily not too many times thanks to those rabies shots a few years ago) and handed mosquito nets & every kind of medicine you can think of.
I've met such a great group of people and am having so much fun getting to know everyone, chatting, kicking around a soccer ball, and sharing our fears and anxieties.
That's about all for today but I'm taking advantage of the internet while I have it the next few days.


Unknown said...

Sounds exciting. Hopefully you will get to sight see a little this weekend. When do you head out to the village ? Meghan found my camera and is going to mail it to me. As soon as I get it I will post the pics. Cheers =)

dagoodkine said...

There is no such thing as an ex-Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine.